
reorderDeformers(*args, **kwargs)

This command changes the order in which 2 deformation nodes affect the output geometry. The first string argument is the name of deformer1, the second is deformer2, followed by the list of objects they deform. It inserts deformer2 before deformer1. Currently supported deformer nodes include: sculpt, cluster, jointCluster, lattice, wire, jointLattice, boneLattice, blendShape.


Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties
name / n unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  This flag is obsolete and is not used. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.reorderDeformers


import pymel.core as pm

# Create some geometry to deform
pm.sphere( name='sphere1' )
# Result: [nt.Transform(u'sphere1'), nt.MakeNurbSphere(u'makeNurbSphere1')] #
pm.sphere( name='sphere2' )
# Result: [nt.Transform(u'sphere2'), nt.MakeNurbSphere(u'makeNurbSphere2')] #

# Create a couple of deformers 'sphere1Shape', 'sphere2Shape' )
pm.sculpt( name='sculpt1' )
# Result: [nt.Sculpt(u'sculpt1'), nt.Transform(u'sculptor1'), nt.Transform(u'sculpt1StretchOrigin')] # 'sphere1Shape', 'sphere2Shape' )
pm.cluster( name='cluster1' )
# Result: [nt.Cluster(u'cluster1'), nt.Transform(u'cluster1Handle')] #

# Change their order
pm.reorderDeformers( 'sculpt1', 'cluster1', 'sphere1Shape', 'sphere2Shape' )