Work with the USD Layer Editor

In Maya, USD Layers are either read from files on disk or they are anonymous layers that only exist in memory. You can group related shots together in a Layer Stack and compile them with other Layer Stacks. Often layers are organized by department to replicate a pipeline, with one layer for layout, another layer for animation, etc.

USD Layer Editing

Task Click Description
Set target layer > Hover next to a layer name and click the grey target icon when it appears. Once a layer is set as the target layer, the highlighted target icon appears next to the layer name. Once a layer is set as the target layer, any scene editing operations are made on this layer.
Add a new layer Click the add a new layer icon to add a new anonymous sibling layer to the selected layer or the root layer (if no layer is selected).
Load an existing layer Click the load an existing layer icon. This will load an existing layer to the selected layer or the root layer (if no layer is selected). Clicking this icon will open the Load Sublayers to dialog. See Load sublayers to USD Layer Editor.
Mute a layer Click the icon beside the layer to be muted.
Save an anonymous layer to disk Layer > Save As Right-click a layer and select Save As. See Save edits in the USD Layer Editor.
Save layer edits Layer > Save Edits Right-click a layer and select Save Edits. See Save edits in the USD Layer Editor.
Save stage Click the save stage icon. See Save edits in the USD Layer Editor.
Discard layer edits on an anonymous layer Layer > Discard Edits Right-click a layer and select Discard Edits. This operation removes all edits, making the selected anonymous layer empty. It is important to note that this option is only available when you have unsaved edits on your layer.
Move sublayers in Layer Stack Drag and Drop Layer Drag and drop layers to a new location. See Organize layers in the USD Layer Editor.
Important: Read-only layers or layers with metadata SetPermissiontoEdit=False will have limited capabilites from the full set of options in the Layer Editor. See read-only layers in the USD Layer Editor contextual menu.