Bifrost plug-in

Maya 2022.2 provides Bifrost Extension for Maya version, which includes new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes.

Image courtesy of Lee Griggs

Bifrost Extension for Maya version provides you with a faster and more interactive experience with features such as: new interactive sliders, faster plug-in loading, dynamic constants that remove the need for compilation after an initial value change, and feedback ports that are preserved so you can resume a simulation even if you pause playback to change your graph.

Updating your old graphs is now easier - when you open a graph with nodes and ports that no longer exist, these nodes now appear differently - as unknown nodes - with their external connections and input values preserved so you can easily fix your graph.

Creating simulations is more convenient, and you can now vary the source properties at emission using different types such as fields or array of values.

See the Bifrost Release Notes for a list of recently added features and bug fixes.

Remember that you can always download the latest version of Bifrost by visiting the Bifrost Download Center.