Automatically mapping and characterizing a character

If you have a model with bones that are named according to the same naming conventions as the Mapping List, you can automatically map out the character model for MotionBuilder and characterize it. If your model uses different bone naming conventions, you must manually map out the character.

After characterizing your character, you cannot make any changes to the Mapping List. To make changes, you must disable the Characterize option to remove characterization.

To automatically map and characterize a character:

  1. Load a character model.
  2. Drop a Character asset from the Asset browser (Templates > Characters folder) onto your model in the Viewer window. If you have a 3ds Max Biped, drop the 3ds Max Biped Template onto your model.
  3. Select Characterize in the menu that appears.
  4. A dialog box appears to remind you that your model must be in a stance facing the positive Z-axis. Choose between two types of postures for your character (Biped or Quadruped) to continue.

    The Character mapping is automatically completed in the Mapping List, and the character is characterized and ready for animation.

    Note: The Validation status in the Character Controls window > Definition tab > Character representation gives you feedback on the status of the characterization. See Character and Name Match views.