Reversing clips

There are two different ways to make clips play backward, depending on whether or not the clip has been edited first.

To make an unedited clip play in reverse, follow the instructions for reversing an uncut clip. If you want to reverse only a segment of a whole clip, follow the instructions for reversing an edited clip.

To reverse an uncut clip:

  1. Double-click the clip you want to reverse so that the clip’s Asset settings display.
  2. In the Clip settings area, activate the Enable Timewarp option.
  3. Select the appropriate option from the Timewarp Interpolation menu.

    The clip is reversed on the track so that it starts with the ending.

To reverse an edited clip:

  1. In the Story window, right-click on the character track (or clip) you want to reverse and select Plot Whole Scene to Current Take.
  2. The Plot All Properties dialog box appears. Click Plot.

    This plots everything the character is doing currently into the scene as one take.

  3. Delete the selected clip.
  4. Right-click the empty track and select Insert Current Take from the context menu.

    The clip now becomes a keyframe animation clip on the track.

  5. Select the clip and trim it using the Razor button.
  6. Once you have made your edits, double-click the clip so that the Character Clip settings appear.
  7. In the Character Clip settings, activate the Enable Timewarp option.
  8. Select the appropriate option from the Timewarp Interpolation menu.

    The clip is reversed on the track.