magnetic mapping

The process of mapping magnetic motion data to an Actor.


Objects used to identify segments. One or more segments, after being labelled or identified, combine to create a marker of continuous data.

In the Optical tool, marker is another term for sensor.

See also sensor .

Marker set

A set of markers that map objects containing motion data (such as magnetic markers or optical sensors) to an Actor. This association is then used to drive the Actor. In the Viewer window, a Marker set displays as a group of white markers attached to an Actor.

Match pose

A representation of a Character pose used in Ragdoll solves as a goal stance that the Character must assume during a specified time. Match poses appear in the Viewer window as a red stick figure.

A Match pose is more definitive than a Guide pose. See also Guide pose .


Material assets are a set of properties that let you change a model’s color and simulate how the model’s surface reacts to light. These properties may include color, shininess, transparency, reflectivity, and bump. Use materials with textures and shaders for the best results.


A version of an original texture that has been reduced in size to 1 x 1 pixel. This solves the problem of textures with small objects “flickering” as the viewer gets further away.

See also texture .


The mathematical description of a three dimensional object that is placed in a scene.


A wavy pattern.

morph target

Operators for use with models that have shape animations, also referred to as shape operators.

motion capture

A method of collecting motion data based on the movement of a performer wearing special sensors or markers.

motion source

An asset such as an Actor, character, or Control rig that is linked to a character model through the Character asset to drive the movement of a character model.