The space before, after, or between a marker’s segments that does not contain sensor data.
A channel that is a preset facial expression.
See also Actor Face and channel .
A simple 3D element or object such as a cone, a cube, a cylinder, a disc, a plane, a sphere, or a torus.
See also NURBS .
A 3D element or object such as a geometric primitive , NURBS , and polygonal surface (mesh).
A wireframe representation of an unrendered blending object in the Viewer window. Ghosts only display when the Motion Blend or Story windows are open.
See also blending object .
A visual representation of the original curve that displays in the FCurves window as you edit the curve.
Values that define a location relative to the origin of a scene, in the format (X, Y, Z).
See also local coordinates , X-coordinate , Y-coordinate , and Z-coordinate .
Also referred to as global keying mode. A custom keying group that can be applied to any character or object in an animated scene. A global keying group describes a set of properties (for example, scale and translation properties) for a character or an object that will be captured when a keyframe is created in an animated scene. Global keying groups can be assigned to any object or character in a scene, but only the keying group’s properties that map directly to properties the object or character already has defined for it will be affected.
A filter placed over a light to make it project patterns.
A representation of a Character pose used in Ragdoll solves when you want the character to attempt to conform to a pose. With a Guide pose, the character does not perform unrealistic contortions to ensure that the pose is assumed. Guide poses appear in the Viewer window as a green stick figure.
A Guide pose is a less-exacting version of the Match pose. See also Match pose .