Applying a material to a model

Change the surface appearance of a model by applying a material to it.

To apply a material to a model:

  1. Open the Shading Elements folder in the Asset browser.
  2. Drag a Material asset onto a model in the Viewer window.
    Note: If a menu with a list of regions appears, see Applying a material to a region instead.

    The material appears in the Materials folder in the Scene browser and is named “Material” by default. The Material settings display in the Navigator window.

  3. Adjust the color, specularity, and shininess of the material in the Material settings. See Adjusting material color.
  4. Attach textures to material properties. See Adding a texture to a material.
  5. Create more realistic effects with the advanced material settings, such as Transparency, Reflectivity, and Bump Map.
    Note: To see results for advanced material settings you must apply the corresponding shader. See Materials working with shaders and textures and Advanced material settings.