Follow the steps of this example to learn how to use the basic Material color and intensity settings effectively. Adjusting the settings in a specific order can help you reach the result you are looking for more easily. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, some of the following steps are optional.
To adjust material colors:
- Apply a Material asset to the model. See Applying a material to a model.
The Material settings display in the Navigator window.
- Use the Diffuse RGB settings to choose the main color of the object. You can also click the Color button to open then Color window (See Color button).
- Use the Specularity RGB settings to choose the color of the highlight.
- Adjust the intensity of the highlight by changing the Specularity factor value.
Note: When you want to hide the effects of a Material setting, you can turn it off by setting its intensity to 0.
- Adjust the spread of the highlight using the Shininess settings.
- Use the Ambient RGB settings to change the shadow color.
The Ambient color is dark gray by default, but few shadows are truly gray. By changing the Ambient color, you can simulate various lighting effects, such as color reflecting from other objects or light passing through the object. See Ambient.
- Adjust the intensity of the shadow color by changing the Ambient factor value.
- If your model must glow or emit light, use the Emissive settings. Change the Emissive color, then adjust its intensity.