Displaying Transformation pivots

The Transformation pivots are not visible by default. You need to enable their visibility. In addition, the Transformation pivots are only visible in the X-Ray and Normal display modes.

To display a Transformation pivot of an object:

  1. Set the Viewer window Display mode to either Normal or X-Ray mode.
  2. Select the object.
  3. Click the Resources' Properties tab.

    Property Resources

  4. Expand Transformation Pivots.
  5. Expand Display Options.

    Transformation Pivots Display Options

    The default Pivot Visibility is set to Visible when Selected.

  6. Enable Visible when Selected for the Show Scaling Pivot.

    Show Scaling Pivot visibility option enabled

    Although the Show Scaling Pivot visibility is enabled, the pivot may not be visible in the Viewer window as it may be hidden by the object.

  7. (Optional) Increase the Pivot size by dragging the cursor in the Pivot Size field until you see the Transformation Scaling Pivot in the Viewer window.

    Transformation Scaling Pivot resized

    The Scaling Pivot is shown as a yellow contoured square.

  8. (Optional) Offset the Scaling Pivot so it is outside the object.

    The Scaling Pivot displays a yellow dot in its centre.