Path constraint settings

The Path constraint lets you use a 3D Curve created in the Viewer window as an animation path.

Path constraint

The Path constraint requires the following objects:

Constrained Object

Assign the object that you want to follow the 3D Path to this cell.

3D Path

Assign the 3D Curve that you want to use as a path to this cell.

Properties settings

The following Path constraint settings are found only in the Properties window when the constraint is selected in the Scene browser:

Warp Mode

Use the Warp Mode menu to select a method to evaluate your curve animation.

Warp method Description
Percent Evaluates the curve by percent, with 0 being the start and 100% being the end.
Segment Evaluates the curve animation point by point.


Shows the progress of the Curve animation on a slider. Move the slider forward to advance the animation to a later point.

Follow Path

Aligns the constrained object’s axes with the direction of the 3D path.

Up Vector

If Follow Path is activated, lets you select a different axis to orient the constrained object’s Up vector.

Front Vector

If Follow Path is activated, lets you select a different axis for the constrained object to face.


Offset type Description
Translation Offsets XYZ Use these fields to move the constrained object from the 3D Path. You can set key animation on any of these settings.
Roll Use the Roll slider to rotate the constrained object around the X-axis.
Pitch Use the Pitch slider to bank the constrained object up or down the Y-axis.
Yaw Use the Yaw slider to spin the constrained object using the object’s center as the axis.


Display setting Description
UI Color Double-click to open the color window where you can set a color for the start and end points of the path.
Show warp key frame Disable this setting to hide the warp key frame boxes in the Viewer window.

The duration of the path animation is determined by the time set in the Transport Controls End field. For example, if the End field has a value of 300 frames, the object takes 300 frames to travel to the end-point of the path.

A model with the Path constraint added. A. The duration appears in a white field at either end of the path.

Tip: You can also create an instant animated path using the Key Controls, letting you animate with a Path instead of FCurves. See Creating an animated path with a 3D Curve.