Properties menu

The Properties menu lets you choose which animated properties are filtered. You can filter all properties, specific properties, or properties you select.

The Properties menu options vary depending on which object is selected. Any object that is animated has properties that can be filtered, but when you select certain objects, such as lights, object-specific options appear in the Properties menu. For example, if the Cone angle property for a light is animated, a Cone angle option appears in the Properties menu letting you filter only that property.

Selected Properties

When the Selected Properties option is active, the Filters menu displays filters based on the type of properties that are selected. This option is automatically selected when you select one or more animated properties in the FCurves, Properties, or Dopesheet window.

When this option is selected and you filter animation, the filter is applied only to the selected properties.


When you select the All option, every filter displays in the Filters menu. This option is automatically selected when you deselect every animated property, or when the FCurves, Properties, and Dopesheet windows are closed.

When you filter animation, the filter is applied to all properties.

Lcl Translation

When you select the Lcl Translation option, the Filters menu displays only the filters that can be applied on translation data. When you filter animation, only Translation properties are filtered.

Lcl Rotation

When you select the Lcl Rotation option, the Filters menu displays only the filters that can be applied on rotation data. When you filter animation, only Rotation properties are filtered.

Lcl Scaling

When you select the Lcl Scaling option, the Filters menu displays only the filters that can be applied on scaling data. When you filter animation, only scaling properties are filtered.


When you work in the Optical settings, the Optical option is automatically selected in the Properties menu and a list of filters that can be applied only to optical data (translation) display.