Viewer window selection keyboard shortcuts

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to select objects in the Viewer window.

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Select (exclusive) Click or drag
Append to selection Middle-click or drag
Remove from selection Right-click or drag
Toggle selection Spacebar-click or drag
Select range Click, then Shift-select
Hide selection Shift-H
Toggle EZ Selection On and Off Alt+Shift+A
Hide all Shift-H with no selection
Show selection Shift-S
Show all Shift-S with no selection
Select and show in Navigator Double-click
Add to/remove from selection Ctrl-click, or Spacebar-drag
Select all in group G-click
Add group to selection G-middle-click
Select object and children Spacebar-right click
Select root of hierarchy Ctrl-right-click
Select object and parents Shift-right-click
Select whole hierarchy Ctrl-Shift-right-click
Go up the hierarchy (parent) Alt-Up arrow
Go down the hierarchy (first child) Alt-Down arrow
Go sideways in the hierarchy (left sibling, same level) Alt-Left-arrow
Go sideways in the hierarchy (right sibling, same level) Alt-Right-arrow

For additional Viewer window selection keyboard shortcuts, see Working with occluded textured geometric elements.