Adding assets to a scene

You can load any asset in your scene by dragging it from the Asset browser or Scene browser into the Viewer window.

To add an asset to the scene, do either of the following:

When you drag an asset into the Viewer window, depending on the selected asset, the asset’s settings appear in the Navigator window, letting you set the asset’s properties. For example, if you drag a light asset from the Asset browser into the Viewer window, a light is added to the scene and its settings display in the Navigator window. The light is placed where you release the mouse button in the Viewer window. See Add objects to the scene using the Asset Browser.

You can drag .fbx files into the Viewer window to add their assets to your scene if you create a path to their directories in Asset browser. See Adding a favorite path.

When you drag .fbx files into the Viewer window, a context menu displays letting you choose whether to Open or Merge the .fbx file. See Add objects to the scene using the Asset Browser.