
In addition to importing the .fbx file format, MotionBuilder enables you to you import the following motion data, scene, and skeleton file formats:

Import Format Description

Acclaim (*.asf, *.amc)

Acclaim format is a dual format where an .asf file contains a definition of a skeleton and one or more .amc files contain the motion data used by the skeleton. You can retain dummy nodes when loading Acclaim files.

See Open files from other applications and Acclaim .asf and .amc file format limitations.

Autodesk (*.fbx)

MotionBuilder.fbx file format and .fbx file format from other 3D packages.

See Open a scene file, and Open files from other applications.

Biovision (*.bvh)

Biovision file format for hierarchical or skeletal-based data.

See Importing a motion capture (MoCap) file.

Motion Analysis (*.htr)

Hierarchical Transformation Rotation, a hierarchical skeleton data format captured using Motion Analysis capture hardware.

See Importing a motion capture (MoCap) file.

Motion Analysis (*.trc)

Motion Analysis .trc format.

See Importing a motion capture (MoCap) file.

Vicon (*.c3d)

Motion data file created with Vicon capture hardware.

See Importing a motion capture (MoCap) file.

Some file formats provide additional options that display beneath the Create and Merge options in the Import Option dialog box.

Important: For performance reasons, MotionBuilder has a limitation of maximum eight bone influences per vertex. If you import a mesh with vertices containing more than eight bone influences, then skinning artifacts will occur.