Audio menu options

The Audio options allow you to add audio clips in the .wav format in the FCurves window, and select mono or stereo display.

Open Audio Clip option

Opens the Import Audio window, from which you can select a .wav audio file and import it to the FCurves pane. The imported audio clip appears as waveforms, and displays both the left and right channels by default.

Audio clip in the FCurves pane A. Right channel B. Left channel

The following table describes the rest of the options in the Audio menu:

Option Description
Select Audio Clip Displays all the imported audio clips, and allows you to select a clip to include in the FCurves pane.
Select Audio Track Allows you to select from available audio tracks that were created in the Story settings.
Show Left Channel Displays or hides the left audio channel when you select or deselect this option, respectively.
Show Right Channel Displays or hides the right audio channel when you select or deselect this option, respectively.