Cross-blending Story clips

When two animation, character, or camera animation clips on the same track do not overlap, the animation is blended by interpolation. When two clips overlap, the blend is called a cross-blend.

You can cross-blend animation, character, camera animation, and constraint clips. Cross-blending animation clips can create smoother animation. For example, blending constraints clips is useful when you want to create the impression that a model is under the influence of many actions.

To cross-blend two clips:

  1. Select a clip in the Story window.
  2. Drag one clip over another.

    Constraints cross-blend A. First clip’s Fade Out handle B. Selected clip’s Fade In handle C. Blend area D. Selected clip

    When an Animation, Character, or Camera Animation track’s Animate option is active, the beginning and end of cross-blends on these tracks are represented in the FCurves window by small vertical lines.

  3. Fine-tune the blend by dragging the clip’s Fade and Still handles.

To create a cross-blend for camera shots, see Creating a cross-fade effect with camera shots.