Bake (Plot) menu

This menu provides options to bake the skeleton, Control rig, and the retargeted animation. The bake options are dynamic and they change depending on the current character state, as explained in the following table:

Character state Bake option Description
Character target — Skeleton

Source — None

HIK mode — Full Body and Body Part

Bake (plot) Skeleton Bakes the skeleton animation on itself.
Bake (plot) To Control Rig Bakes the skeleton animation to a Control rig.
Character target — Skeleton

Source — Control Rig

HIK mode — Full Body

Bake (plot) To Skeleton Bakes the entire Control rig animation to the skeleton.
Bake (plot) Control Rig Bakes the Control rig animation on itself.
Important: At least one part of the Control rig must be selected before baking.
Character target — Skeleton

Source — Control Rig

HIK mode — Body Part

Bake (plot) To Skeleton Bakes the entire Control rig animation to the skeleton.
Bake (plot) Body Part Bakes the Control rig animation on itself, but only for the selected Body Part(s).
Note: At least one Control rig part must be selected for baking to work.
Character target — Skeleton

Source — Character (local and remote)

HIK mode — Full Body and Body Part

Bake (plot) To Skeleton Bakes the retargeted animation to the skeleton.
Bake (plot) To Control Rig Bakes the retargeted animation to a Control rig.