Connecting a Handle to an object

  1. Drag a Handle asset into the scene from the Elements folder in the Asset browser.

    When you drop a Handle asset on an object, it is assigned to both the Follow and Manipulate TR fields (A).

    Properties window A. Follow and Manipulate TR fields

  2. Expand Handles in the scene browser. The new Handle is listed, named “Handle” by default.
  3. Alt-drag the object to be affected by the Handle from either the Scene browser or the Viewer window into the Manipulate TR field.
    Note: If you drop a Handle on top of an object, that object is automatically assigned to both the Manipulate TR and Follow fields in the Handle settings.
  4. Assign any objects that you want to manipulate the translation, rotation, or scaling exclusively to the Manipulate Translation, Rotation, and Scaling fields. See Transform objects.
  5. Alt-drag an object or objects into the Handle settings and drop it in either the Manipulate or Follow fields.

You can also drag a Handle into an empty space in the Viewer window and then assign objects to both the Manipulate and Follow fields. The Handle appears in the Viewer window as a line with a round knob protruding from of the Follow object.

A handle sticks out of an object with a round knob.

Note: If you cannot see the Handle’s knob, try changing the offset values.