Skeleton with polyline

Important: For this action to work properly, it is necessary to turn the cluster setting Duplicate Support to Tolerate Duplicate Support, otherwise the action may fail.
Parameter Description Notes


See Cluster detection reference

Minimal edge length

Defines the distance between the cluster's contour and the cluster's volume supports that is required for a skeletal polyline to be created.

Contour offset to wall

The anchor points along the contour can be moved further apart from the edge. The offset describes the distance from the edge to the next wall.

Free contour offset

Describes the distance between an anchor point and the next edge.

Offset to border

This determines the length of the skeletal reinforcements in narrow cluster sections. The skeletal polyline is extended towards the wider portions of the cluster until its end is at least this distance away from the closest point in the cluster's contour.

Support properties

See Polyline Supports reference