PBF context view reference

Info fields, commands, and parameters appearing in the context view of powderbed-fusion-type machine workspaces (both metal and polymer powder)

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Build statistics

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Volume The solid volume of all parts in the buildroom MPBF, Farsoon SLS
Build height Highest point until which the buildroom is filled with part volume
Support An estimate of volume occupied by support. For open supports, meaning supports whose walls are non-watertight structures, volume estimation is calculated using the Spot size parameter in the chosen configuration. (See Machine configuration)
Build time An estimate of the time needed for the complete build. The estimate may be improved by generating a toolpath.

Machine configuration

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Configuration A collection of toolpath-generating rules, grouped into strategies, and of other machine-specific settings MPBF, Farsoon SLS
Distance between part and platform Enforces a distance between the platform surface and the lowest point of the part
Buildplate thickness

Current part

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Part name Displays the name of the selected part, or the number of parts if multiple are selected MPBF, Farsoon SLS
Build strategy Different parts may have different strategies each, or can have the same strategy set at once.
Laser index If supported by machine model and configuration, specify which part to render with which laser
Orient part Shortcut to automatic orientation
Create supports Shortcut to loading and entering the support editor on the selected part. (Support editor can be loaded only on one selected part at a time.)
Import supports Opens a file browsing dialog for loading a dedicated STL part as support.
Note: Deactivate Distance between part and platform first, especially if the part to load the support on has some supports already.
Remove supports Shortcut to removing any supports from the selected part
Monte Carlo packer Shortcut to Monte Carlo packer Farsoon SLS
Scanline packer Shortcut to Scanline packer Farsoon SLS

Current build

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Start build simulation Prepares the thermomechanical simulation for Simulation Utility without generating a toolpath preview MPBF
Toolpath visualization Generates the toolpaths for the whole buildroom and displays a visualization MPBF, Farsoon SLS
Load simulation results Imports simulation results for display and analysis in Netfabb MPBF
Export build data Generates the buildfile from the toolpaths MPBF, Farsoon SLS

Build statistics (Toopath visualization)

These additional items in the Build statistics section in the context view are available while a toolpath is being visualized.

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Layer count Total layers occupied by toolpath regardless how many are generated for display MPBF

Current layer statistics

Shown during toolpath visualization

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Layer time Total build time up to the current and also generated layer MPBF
Layer efficiency

Preview animation

Shown during toolpath visualization

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Current layer Number of currently selected layer, starting at layer 0 (Netfabb projects layers upwards, not downwards.) MPBF
Current Z Z height of currently selected layer, starting at zero height
(Replay controls) Controls to jump to the previous layer down, or next layer up, to play or pause the visualisation, and to control the playback speed
Jump to next layer after animation When unchecked, replays the same layer in a loop

Preview mode

Shown during toolpath visualization

Field, command, or parameter Explanation Notes
Mode Switch between combinations of different ways of how to the display the whole part an to highlight the current layer MPBF
Layers Select from increments between layers to calculate and to display persistently. More layers increase display complexity.
Calculate Force recalculation of toolpath visualization with the current preview settings
Start build simulation Prepares the thermomechanical simulation for Simulation Utility without leaving the toolpath preview
Back Leaves toolpath preview
Export build data Generates the buildfile without leaving the toolpath preview