My Machines record configuration reference

Applies to 2022.0 Update and later

Parameters available in the Edit and Configuration sections of a My Machines record

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Machine name Name as it appears in the list of My Machines records
(Picture) A pictogram to identify the machine at a glance
(Manufacturer) Name of manufacturer under which the record's template appears in the list of machines shipped with Netfabb
(X, Y, Z) Buildroom dimensions Editable if Customized Machine is enabled
(Process parameters) UI, functions, and toolpath or slice generation logic behind the record. It is assigned either by default or by choosing from the built-in machine record templates that themselves have process parameters assigned by default. If no process parameters are assigned, the record is simply a buildroom of the specified size. Optional, may be set by default
(Repair script)

A preferred repair script that appears at the top of the list when opening repair from a machine instance loaded from the record.

Select a preferred repair script from the list of currently known ones. This script is saved with the record and remains available even if it is deleted or changed or renamed in repair directly.

(Support script)

A preferred support script that appears at the top of the list when opening the support editor from a machine instance loaded from the record.

Select a preferred support script from the list of currently known ones. This script is saved with the record and remains available even if it is deleted or changed or renamed in the support editor directly.

(Template) A collection of parts put on the platform of every machine instance loaded from this record Optional
Customized machine A safety lock-out. Check (and save record) to enable additional editability. Only available for selected process parameters
Open with Netfabb When enabled, an instance of this record is loaded into the project tree upon launching Netfabb
Save machine Saves the record with its current values and leaves editing
Cancel Leaves editing the record without saving


These are the defaults presented when loading an instance of this machine into the project.
Note: Loading a project file with its own instance of this machine overrides or ignores the presets even when you have this machine defined in your own list.
Put part on platform Enforce putting added parts to a specified height above the platform
Distance between part and platform The distance used for the enforced height
Set thickness of buildplate Individually shortens the Z height of the buildroom in Netfabb to match the buildroom space available for the current build due to the sacrificial nature of the buildplate. Does not affect the coordinates written to the respective buildfile.
Buildplate thickness The buildplate thickness value to use for the current build
Machine origin The zero point of the coordinates as the target machine handles them
Laser settings Adjust laser count in XYZ as well as their ranges in XY
Export format Examples: ASCII CLI, Default, 3MF Toolpath Generic, Xact Metal
Multiple support import suffix
Support export suffix
Automatic part-snapping into the platform

Any part not or not fully inside the buildroom is snapped back to within the boundaries

Caution: Does not check for, and may in fact cause, collision.
Selected SLS machines
Machine type Select the actual model of the Way2Production machine here W2P
Export type PNG, SLC W2P
Layer thickness W2P
Support wall thickness Supports in W2P are always rendered as lines of this thickness in the slice images W2P
Avoid border W2P
Raster size W2P
Respect tray subdivision W2P
Path to XYZSDK.exe XYZ
Buildroom configuration Buildroom variants with different heating or size reduction Aconity
EOS SDK Path File path to the EOS SDK folder EOS
Configuration file path Load a configuration file specified by the manufactuer Mimaki
Use custom platform model Specify a custom 3D model for representing the buildplate Only available when Customized machine is active.
Keep original platform Use the default 3D model even when a custom model is loaded, and show both.
Use custom no-build zones Specify a custom 3D model for no-build zones
Keep original no-build zones Use the default no-build zones even when custom ones are loaded, and show and respect both.