Cluster contour with polyline

Applies to 2022.0 Update and later

Traces the contours of clusters with an individual polyline support entity each

Parameter Description Notes
Description Holds a text label for the action that remains visible even when the action parameters are collapsed in the script tab.
Cluster See Cluster detection reference
Anchor distance Sets a maximum distance that generated anchors may be apart. The actual distance is dictated by the contour accuracy.
Contour offset to wall If the cluster contour coincides with a wall (meaning, a concave edge), this distance is kept between it and the generated polyline trace.
Free contour offset The generated polyline trace maintains this distance from the actual contour of the detected cluster.
Contour accuracy Permitted shape deviation while tracing the contour
Existing support Controls the behavior when the contour trace meets solid-type supports. Ignore stops short at the set distance. Around continues the trace at the distance to the solid support. This is typically used with bar supports, Area with bar supports in particular, and requires this action's cluster detection options Duplicate support set to Tolerate existing support and Keep distance to support set to Yes to have any effect.
Contour type For clusters with holes, like annuli or large areas with perforations, optionally select which of the contours to support. All, Inner contour, Outer contour
Support properties See Polyline support properties reference