To define areas to attach supports to

Applies to 2022.0 Update and later

Manually specify clusters for support actions to generate structures on

Areas of contiguous triangles that are relevant for support generation are called clusters. During manual work, they are defined in one of two ways:

The two methods cannot be combined.

To define clusters for support through cluster detection

Tip: To learn more about cluster detection, in particular to the meaning of critical and non-critical angles, refer to the Support Editor Reference.
  1. In the support editor's context view, select the first tab, Analysis.
  2. Adjust the Cluster detection sliders to meet your printing needs.

This updates the detected triangle groups instantly.

To define clusters for support through manual marking

  1. From the menu, choose Cluster > Mark cluster manually.
  2. Use the mouse to draw over the model and mark triangles. Marked triangles form clusters.