About the brush tool

Select triangles within a circular area around the mouse pointer

The brush tool is used in all those places where triangles need to be selected in order to process them further. The tool helps by providing a circular area around the mouse pointer within which triangles are marked or unmarked at once, rather than having to select all the triangles individually. The circular area can be adjusted in size.

Working with the brush

When pointing at a triangle, the brush plane is angled to lie flat and parallel with that triangle. If the brush is larger than the mesh underneath it, the brush's area of effect will wrap around the part.

Depending on the module, there is also the option to account for the edge angle between two triangles: If the angle is beyond the threshold, ie, the edge being sharper than a given value in either direction, triangle selection will not bleed past the edge even if a triangle was intersecting the brush.

Use the brush tool to select multiple triangles at once. During repair, an edge angle threshold can be set to prevent selecting unwanted triangles.

To change the brush size, hold Ctrl while scrolling the mouse wheel.

Functions that make use of the brush

Repairing a mesh:

Generating supports:

Finding desirable orientations of a part:

Painting a mesh with colors:

Manipulate a mesh: