Command reference

Applies to 2022.0 Update and later

Commands available in the main menu and the context menu of support elements and anchors

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Commands for editing supports

Remove selection

Deletes selected support elements and anchors. Default shortcut key: Delete

Edit entity

Access the generation parameters, similar to the Edit tab in the context view, for the selected support entities. Modify them by either editing the property values directly, or by applying a set.

If multiple support entities are selected that have different parameters each, they'll show with "--" as the value, and changing them sets the new value for all selected entities.

Move entity

Shift the selected support entities along X and Y

Zoom to selected support

Zooms to and focuses on the selected entity

Modify entity by polygon

Shows a 2D projection of the area with the selected supports. Here you add, extend, or trim volume and polyline support by drawing shapes. (However, while bar supports do work as the "selector" for the area in question, they are not affected by this function.)

Tip: The polyline to modify the active support is represented in both the 2D view in the context view as well as the 3D view of the display and also respects the perspective of the 3D view.
Reinforce polyline

If the selected entity is an open-ended polyline, this function duplicates it with a small offset to either side of the original.

Useful for strengthening single polyline supports along edges.

Note: Does not work with certain polylines, such as the cluster-following, enveloping polyline of volume support.
Split bar on anchors

Splits a bar into segments of independent bars at any anchors attached to it. Useful for working with bar bouquets, enabling a more granular adjustment of the individual sections between branches.

Remove unused anchors

Deletes anchors that are not connected to any support entities. Useful for cleaning up during manual support projection of bars, for example, or manual selection and deletion of only some of all support entities present.

Remove all anchors and entities

Does exactly that. Requires no selection. Use with caution as you are not asked for confirmation.

Upskin projection

Opens a dialog in the context view for regenerating the selected bar supports to target a specified or detected upskin of the same part


Creating new supports


The first click sets the first anchor. Only when the second anchor is placed, the bar is generated. Anchors can be placed in any order and constellation on the same part, on different parts, or the platform.


  1. If you simply want to have the bar projected to the next suitable location, double-click either on the part or the platform in the location where the bar should attach.
  2. This also works for any existing anchor, including those which already belong to other supports, by choosing Create Bar from the anchor's context menu.
  3. The placing method is switched at Settings > Settings > Support module > Mouse action for bar support. There, choose from automatically generating bar supports by either single click or by double click.


Each subsequent click on the part extends the polyline support from the most recently placed anchor. To start a new polyline, click the button again.

Tip: You may reuse existing anchors by clicking on them. That way you can close a polyline, for example. Note that you can still continue adding polyline sections by using other existing anchors or by placing new ones.


Left-click to place anchors at corner points along the circumference of the desired volume support.

Note: You should avoid zig-zagging when you set anchors unless you are certain of Netfabb's behavior. Otherwise, this may lead to unexpected support contours as Netfabb connects anchors in the order of their placement and then fills only the enclosed area:

Left: a 5-point volume support, its contour defined by placing only nearest neighbors of anchors. Right: The same five points, but defined in a different order.


Main menu commands for working with anchors

Create anchor

Switch to placing new anchors on part or platform surface with each click

Delete anchor

Switch to deleting anchors

Remove unused anchors

Removes any anchor that has no supports attached

Free anchor movement

Frees the selected anchors from the default snapping to surfaces so that they can be moved in all directions

Export anchors

Exports XYZ positions of currently present anchors to a semicolon-separated-list file

Import anchors

Imports XYZ positions from a semicolon-separated-list file and creates anchors in those positions


Context menu commands for editing anchors

Create bar

Adds a new bar on the selected anchor.

Only active when Create new bar is active in the main menu.
Project anchor down

Adds a new anchor directly below the current one on the next available surface, part or platform alike

Only creates the anchor; bar must be added separately.
Project anchor up

Adds a new anchor directly above the current one on the next available surface

Project anchor on platform

Adds a new anchor below the current one on the platform

Remove unused anchors

Removes any anchor that has no supports attached

Free anchor movement

Frees the selected anchors from the default snapping to surfaces so that they can be moved in all directions

Only for anchors not already freed
Snap anchor to part

Disables free movement and attaches anchor to the nearest point on the part surface

Only for freed anchors
Snap anchor to platform

Disables free movement and attaches anchor to the nearest point on the build platform surface

Only for freed anchors

Menu commands for working with clusters

Mark cluster manually

Changes the mouse pointer into a circular brush to select or deselect triangles to define a cluster yourself. It does not add any supports by itself.

Call action on cluster

Provides a list of available support scripts that contain actions which you can then run on a cluster. Also, the scripts are listed with their cluster-applicable actions only, and any actions not applicable to a cluster are omitted.

With this, you manually apply a support action with the settings stored in the script, but with the cluster detection settings currently defined on the Analysis tab, while the action's own cluster detection settings are ignored.

Create bar support on cluster

Fills the cluster area with bar supports

Uses the values stored in the set currently selected in context view > Edit > Manual defaults

Create polyline support on cluster

Fills the cluster area with polyline supports

Create volume support on cluster

Fills the cluster area with volume supports

2D mode of cluster

Provides an additional bottom-up view of the part in a 2D editor for placing and manipulating supports

Export extruded cluster

Extrudes the selected cluster area into a mesh of specified thickness


Density map commands

Edit density map/ Free density map editor

Adjust spherical locations within the space occupied by the part and its support

Projected Density Map Editor

Affects a cylindrical volume and adjusts in height as it intersects with the supported surface and the bottom end of the support, be that the platform or another part surface.

Surface Density Map Editor

Use brush controls to freely specify areas on the part surface that, projected towards the platform, determine where the density map should be changed. For this, the context view provides input controls to specify the size of the brush, the factor to be applied, and the behavior for applying factors multiple times.


Zoom commands

Zoom to part

Centers and focuses view on the part

Zoom to selected

Centers and focuses view on the current selection of supports

Zoom to area

Requests for you to drag a rectangular frame, then centers and focuses view on the framed area


Commands to close the support editor

Apply to part

Attach the generated supports to the part and return to the main platform view.

Apply to all part copies

If compatible, the support generated on one part is applied to all of its clones.

Important: Compatible parts are those that are immediate clones of each other, including the original one, as long as they are not repaired or otherwise mesh-modified, and are not moved in Z, and are not scaled or rotated.
Close support module

Aborts support editing and closes the support editor, unloading it from the project tree
