To replay support actions

Applies to 2020.2 Update and later

Rerun any support actions, scripted or applied manually, on modified parts

When support entities have been generated through a mix of actions that include manual and semi-automatic ones, there is no script to reliably replicate them. If the part needs to be modified after generating supports, be it rotated, cut or extruded, or similar changes, this work would be lost. To prevent this, Netfabb provides a function to replay any applied support actions. Changes in geometry as well as orientation are observed.

Starting on the default platform with a part that has support already generated and attached as parametric support (in blue),

  1. Modify your part as desired.
    Example: Rotate the part.
  2. Keep the part selected, then, from the main menu, choose Home > Generate Support.
  3. In the context menu, select the List tab and click Replay support actions.

Three stages of rerunning support actions: Original, rotated and extruded part, reapplied supports.