Edge with polyline

Traces a downwards-pointing ridge with a polyline. Use when the edge's side walls do not qualify as area clusters for volume support.

Parameter Description Notes

Minimal, Maximal edge length

Edges beyond the range of lengths specified here are disregarded for applying supports.

Maximal polyline curvature

Sets the curvature that a polyline may have at most. If this maximum value is exceeded, a new polyline begins.


Maximal edge angle to XY-plane

Describes the maximum angle between an edge and the XY-plane. If the maximum angle is exceeded, the edge is disregarded for applying supports.


Create anchor on curvature

Defines on which curvature of the edge a new anchor point is added. The anchor points are created around the edge.


Neighbor area angle


Anchor distance

Sets the distance between two anchor points.

1-100 mm

Contour offset

Sets the distance between an anchor point and a clear area.

0-5 mm

Startpoint distance

Sets the border distance between the edge and the start of the support structure

0-5 mm

Reinforcement lines per side

Adds additional polyline supports parallel to edges for reinforcement.


Reinforcements distance

The additional parallel polyline supports will be this far apart.

0.01-10 mm

Support properties

See Polyline Supports reference.