HP context view reference

Info fields, commands, and parameters appearing in the context view of HP Jet Fusion and Metal Jet machine workspaces

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General info

Part count Number of parts present and number of parts selected
Packed height Highest point of any part currently present in the scene
Number of layers Count of layers occupied up to the highest point of any part present in the scene, including any empty space between the build platform and the lowest point of any part in the scene Dependent on material, and unavailable until a selection was made. Open the job settings to select a material or to confirm the current material selection.
Print time per layer Estimated duration between starting two layers
Build time Estimation of total print duration
Filling degree buildroom Fraction of part volume to total (empty) buildroom volume Counts all parts, even those that are partly or fully outside the buildroom
Filling degree part height Fraction of part volume to total (empty) buildroom volume up to the highest point of any part present Ignores parts partly or fully outside the buildroom


Connection Lists the connection status such as "Not connected"
Information Shows version info in the Netfabb engine for HP currently in use
Status Shows the printer status
Details Opens a message log, listing the recent messages sent by the printer
IP address Shows the IP information provided to the current workspace as provided by the associated My Machines record Editable if the machine record never had an IP defined or if the machine record in a loaded project does not match any local record
Connect Attempts to connect to the machine using the IP information

Job management commands

Joblist Retrieves and displays the jobs currently active on the printer
Edit job settings Opens the dialog to view and adjust parameters for the job
Export job Saves a 3MF file with thumbnail, slices (where applicable), and oriented and thermo-prescaled parts as it would be sent to the printer. Do NOT use this saved file again in Netfabb to produce a new print job as otherwise the scaling and slicing would be applied twice.
Open in HP SmartStream 3D Build Manager Sends the buildroom contents to SmartStream software Leaves scaling, arranging, or slicing based on material to SmartStream
Send job to printer Prepares the print data, including scaling, arranging, and slicing (if applicable) and sends it to the printer