
Getting Started with Quantification

Spend a few minutes going through this guide to learn some Quantification basics.

Key terms

Before you begin

Create your first takeoff

Quantification workbook

The main workspace that contains the object data for the takeoffs you create in a project.

Item catalog

The organizational database for your takeoff project, defining takeoff groups and disciplines.

Resource catalog

The resources needed for successful completion of a project, related by function and type including materials, equipment or tools.

See Glossary for more.

Quantification supports native and aggregated files from the following applications.

  • AutoCAD®: Architecture, MEP, Civil 3D, Plant 3D
  • Autodesk Inventor®
  • Autodesk Revit®

You can also use non-native DWF files such as PDF, which can be converted to DWF using print driver software.

  1. Create project
  2. Select takeoff items
  3. Create takeoff items
  4. Perform takeoff
  5. Export takeoff data

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