Reference for Find Items Window

Search Options


Selects the category name. Only the categories that are contained in the scene are available in the drop-down list.


Selects the property name. Only the properties in the scene within the category chosen are available in the drop-down list.


Selects a condition operator for your search. You can use the following operators depending on the property you are searching for:

  • =. Equals; can be used to evaluate any type of property. To qualify for the search, a property must match the specified value exactly.
  • Not Equals. Can be used to evaluate any type of property.
  • > -. Greater Than; can be used to evaluate numerical property types only.
  • >=. Greater Than or Equals; can be used to evaluate numerical property types only.
  • < -. Less Than; can be used to evaluate numerical property types only.
  • <=. Less Than or Equals; can be used to evaluate numerical property types only.
  • Contains. To qualify for the search, a property must contain the specified value (for example, series of letters within a string).
  • Wildcard. Enables you to use wildcards in the Value field to allow matching against any character (?) or an arbitrary sequence of characters (*).
  • Defined. To qualify for the search, a property must have some value defined.
  • Undefined. To qualify for the search, a property must not have any defined value.

You can either type in a value freely in this box, or choose a pre-defined value from the drop-down list which shows all values in the scene available within the category and property you defined earlier. If you used Wildcard as the condition operator, you can type a value with wildcards. To match one single unspecified character use the symbol “?” (question mark). To match any number of unspecified characters, use the symbol * (asterisk). For example, “b??k” will match “brick” and “block”; “b*k” will match “bench kiosk”, “brick”, and “block”; and “*b*k*” will match “bench kiosk”, “brick” and “block” and also “Coarse bricks” and “block 2”.

This box is not available if you used Defined or Undefined as the condition operator.

Match Case

Select this check box to respect the upper and lower case letters of the values tested during the search. This affects all statements in your search. It’s also possible to set case sensitivity for individual search statements by using the Search Conditions context menu.

Prune Below Result

Select this check box if you want to stop searching a branch of the Find Selection Tree as soon as the first qualifying object is found.


Specifies the type of the search to run. Choose from:

  • Default. Searches all items selected in the Find Selection Tree, along with the paths below these items, for qualifying objects.
  • Below Selected Paths. Only searches below the items selected in the Find Selection Tree for qualifying objects.
  • Selected Paths Only. Only searches within the items selected in the Find Selection Tree for qualifying items.

Find Selection Tree Context Menu


Changes the selection you made in the Scene View to the current selection in the Find Selection Tree.

Import Current Selection

Changes the selection in the Find Selection Tree to your current selection the Scene View.

Search Conditions Context Menu

Ignore String Value Case

Makes the selected search statement case-insensitive (for example, both ‘Chrome’ and ‘chrome’ materials are treated as qualifying).

Ignore Category User Name

Instructs Autodesk Navisworks to use internal category names and ignore the user category names for the selected search statement.

Ignore Category Internal Name

Instructs Autodesk Navisworks to use user category names and ignore the internal category names for the selected search statement.

Ignore Property User Name

Instructs Autodesk Navisworks to use internal property names and ignore the user property names for the selected search statement.

Ignore Property Internal Name

Instructs Autodesk Navisworks to use user property names and ignore the internal category names for the selected search statement.

Or Condition

Chooses OR condition for the selected search statement.

Negate Condition

Negates the selected search statement, so that all items that do not match the statement criteria are found.

Delete Condition

Deletes the selected search statement.

Delete All Conditions

Deletes all search statements.


Find First

Finds the first qualifying item, and selects it in the Scene View and the Selection Tree.

Find Next

Finds the next qualifying item, and selects it in the Scene View and the Selection Tree.

Find All

Finds all qualifying items, and highlights them in the Scene View and the Selection Tree.


Populates the Find Items window with previously saved search criteria.


Exports the parameters of the current search into an XML file.

Tip: Click Home tab VisibilityHide Unselected to display only the search results in the Scene View.