Overview of the Properties Palette API

The Properties palette is an AutoCAD feature that lets users view and modify the properties of all types of entities in a single dialog box. For instance, a user can select a line and a circle and see the properties of either one—endpoints, center point, radius, thickness, linetype, color, and so on—displayed in the same modeless UI. Changeable properties can be edited through this interface, with the changes reflected immediately in the displayed graphics. The AutoCAD User's Guide provides detailed information on Properties palette features and the user interface.

The Properties palette's technology is accessed through a collection of ObjectARX and COM APIs. Properties palette APIs enhance, extend, and extract the default Properties palette functionality. They let you control the information displayed by the Properties palette when one of your custom entities is selected. You also can customize the appearance of the Properties palette itself and provide specialized controls for modifying your entity's properties.

The Properties palette embeds several underlying components that handle the display and editing of AutoCAD database objects. This limited implementation does not reveal the full power of the constituent modules. Properties palette APIs let you explore the possibilities more thoroughly by providing direct access not only to the Properties palette itself, but also to its base components. High-level interfaces abstract Properties palette technology so that it can be used with non-database-resident objects, and separately from the Properties palette itself.

This chapter explains how to do the following tasks: