You can save a standard set of entities as a template. Any new project can then use these templates to pre-define a standard set of entities. The entities you can save in a template are:
- The Tools you want in each project. For example you can define a standard set of tools that you will use in your project. This can ensure that tools are named and numbered consistently as well as ensuring that the geometry of the tool coincides with the tooling available on the shop floor. For example you may have one template which contains the tools you will use for High Speed Machining Aluminium, another containing the tools you will use for conventional machining mild steel and another containing the tools you will use for High Speed Machining Hard Steel.
Patterns for machining of similar parts.
- A standard set of Workplanes. This prevents you from having to create and edit the same workplanes each time you start a new project.
- A standard set of Levels.
NC Program Preferences so that you can pre-define the preferences for each specific machine tool.
To save a template object:
- Click File tab > Save As> Template objects.
- Browse to a folder. Alternatively, you can type the pathname to save the file in the File name path.
— Click to change the directory to the current Project directory.
— Click to move to the Examples directory.
— Click to move to the first user-defined folder path.
— Click to move to the second user-defined folder path.
You can customise the Examples, User Path 1, and User Path 2 folder paths using File tab > Options > Customise Paths.
- Enter a name for the file.
- Click Save.