
Use the Block item to specify the shape, size and orientation of the raw material you want to machine.

Click Home tab > Setup panel > Block > Block to display the Block dialog. It contains the following settings:

Use Setup stock — If the toolpath is associated with a setup, the raw material is specified by the stock definition of that setup.

— Click to display the Stock page of the Setup dialog. Use this page to edit the stock definition for the setup.

Defined by — Select an option to specify how to define the block. There are several ways of defining the block:

Load Block from File — Click to display either the Open Block from Picture or the Open Block from Triangles dialog. These dialogs enable you to open an existing picture or triangle file.
Note: You can click this button only if you select either the Triangles or Picture option from the Defined By list.

Save Block —Click to save the block. This displays the Export Block dialog. You can save the block as a .dmt or .stl file.

Delete Block — Click to delete the block.

Lock all limits — Click this button to lock all the unlocked parameters.

Unlock all limits — Click this button to unlock all the locked parameters.

Coordinate System — Select an option to lock the block to a workplane.

Limits — Enter the extents of the block. You can enter the values individually or click Calculate to calculate them automatically. If you enter a value of 15 in the Expansion field, this offsets the block by 15 mm from the minimum block size to just enclose the model. The options in this area vary depending on your selection in the Defined by list.

The X, Y, Z values are relative to the block's coordinate system.

Estimate Limits — Use the fields to automatically calculate the extents of the block.

Draw — Select to display the block in the graphics window.

Opacity — Move the slider to control the opacity of the block. Move the slider to the left to decrease the opacity; move the slider to the right to increase the opacity.

Accept — Click to accept the values on the Block dialog and close the dialog.

Cancel — Click to close the Block dialog without updating the block.