To interactively detect features

You can easily detect and create features based on model geometry using the Interactive Feature Detection dialog. This is useful if you want to scan a model to detect all features with similar geometry and then create those features.

To detect and create features based on model geometry:

  1. Display the Interactive Feature Detection dialog by:
    • Clicking Feature Group tab > Detect panel > Features.
    • Selecting Detect Features from the Feature Groups context menu.

  2. To detect specific features in a model:
    1. Select an option from the Mode list to specify how features are selected:

      Single — Click a feature to select it.

      Hierarchy — Click a feature to select it and any other features inside of it.

      Similar — Click a feature to select it and any other features with similar geometry.

    2. Hover your cursor over the model to detect the features. The feature boundary is highlighted.
    3. Click to select the detected features. Click the feature again if you want to deselect it.
  3. To detect and select all the features in a model, click Detect all.
  4. Click Accept to create the features and close the dialog.

    The created features are added to a feature group in the explorer.