Working with features

Features in PowerMill come in two varieties: 2D features and Turning features. Feature Grouos are containers which hold a collection of features. They help you to group, manage, and organise the features in your project.

You can access many of the functions you need to work with features from the Feature Group tab on the ribbon.

2D features

2D features are a representation of material to be machined from model geometry, or material around model geometry that is to be machined. They consist of a 2D curve that is projected down the Z axis at a specific height.

2D features can be automatically detected from CAD model geomtry. They provide a simple workflow which removes the need to specify machining boundaries and reduces the number of parameters you must manially specify.

Turning features

Turning features consist of a 2D profile curve which is spun around the Z axis to produce a 3D representation of material to be removed. Tbey are required for all turning strategies.