Pattern > Edit

Edit — These options edit the pattern or segments of the pattern. You must select the pattern (or segments) before selecting the type of edit.

Transform — Select to display the Pattern Transform tab, which enables you to move, rotate, scale, or mirror a pattern.

Reverse Selected — Select to reverse the direction of the selected segment.

Arc Fit Selected — Select to arc fit selected segments. Use this to smooth patterns. Arc fitting a pattern before creating an offset toolpath improves the offsets created.

Spline Selected — Select to turn the selected sketched pattern into a spline.

Polygonise Selected — Select to convert a selected curved pattern to a series of straight lines.

Split Selected — Select to convert a selected pattern to a series of segments. A segment is created between each pair of points.

Close Selected — Select to close the selected segment.

Merge — Select to merge a series of selected segments into one pattern containing the minimum number of segments and curves. PowerMill displays an information dialog summarising the merge.

Drop — Select to project the selected pattern down the tool axis onto the part. The whole pattern must be contained within the part when viewed down the tool axis.

original pattern.

pattern dropped on to the part.

Flatten — Select to project the selected pattern onto the XY plane at Z = 0. The pattern need not be entirely contained within the part.

original pattern.

pattern flattened onto Z=0.

Embed — Select to display the Embed Pattern dialog which enables you to link the pattern lying on the model to its associated surface (or surfaces).

Reverse Normals — Select to reverse the orientation of embedded patterns. This option is available only for Embedded Patterns which are patterns with associated surface data. This surface data is fixed at the time of creation of the embedded pattern. It is possible that the orientation of surfaces at creation is not what you want. If it is wrong the Reverse Normals option changes the embedded pattern to use the reversed orientation.

Selected Surfaces — Select to select all the surfaces that any segments of the pattern are embedded in.

Copy Pattern — Select to create a copy of the whole pattern. This new pattern has the same name as the original with _1 added to it.

Copy Pattern (Selected Only) — Select to create a copy of the selected segments of the pattern. This new pattern has the same name as the original with _1 added to it.

Delete Selected Components — Select to deletes all the selected segments of the pattern.