Creating and editing compound holes

This example shows how to edit holes generated automatically from the Create Holes option. It uses the RetainerPlate.dgk model in the Examples folder.

  1. Select part of the model, including some of the holes.
  2. From the Hole Feature Sets context menu, select Create Holes.

    This displays the Create Holes dialog.

  3. On the Create Holes dialog:
    1. Select a Create from of Model.
    2. Select Create compound holes.
    3. Deselect Group holes by axis.
    4. Select Edit after creation.
    5. Click Apply.

    PowerMill recognises the selected holes.

  4. Select the hole you want to edit.

  5. On the Edit Holes dialog:
    1. Click to add a second component.
    2. Select the lower component.
    3. Enter an Upper diameter of 50.
    4. Enter a Depth of 100.

You can use this dialog to build up a more complex compound hole, such as: