Mirror project dialog

Click Home tab > Utilities panel > Mirror Project to display the Mirror Project dialog.

The dialog contains the following options:

Define mirror plane — Click to define the mirror plane interactively. This displays the Mirror Plane tab.

Workplane — Select the workplane along which the project is mirrored. This activates the selected workplane.

Position — Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the mirror plane.

— Click to display the Position dialog. Use the dialog to manually enter coordinates and locate items in the graphics window.

Direction — Enter the component of the mirror plane along the X, Y and Z axes.

— Click to display the Direction dialog. This provides additional options to edit orientation vectors.

Optimise — Select to mirror the toolpath geometry, including the strategy type and editing history, instead of recalculating it.

Calculate — Select to automatically recalculate the toolpaths and boundaries.

Transform — Click to perform the transformation. The Status area of the dialog displays the progress of the transformation.

Note: For an example of how to mirror a project, see Mirroring a project example.