To specify the settings for a project

Use the File tab > Info page todisplay information about your project This enables you to record the project-specific data for your NC programs or setup sheets.

This page contains the following:


Use the options in this area to specify the project parameters:

Date — Displays the current system date, in the yyyy-mm-dd format.

Programmer — Displays the currently logged-in Windows user name.

Customer — Use this box to record the customer name.

Part Name — Use this box to record the part name.

Order Number — Use this box to record the order number.

CAD Model — Displays a list of all model files used in the project (as shown in the Explorer).

User defined

Use the options in this area to create and assign custom parameter values to the NC program file or setup sheet:

Name — Enter the name of the new setting. Setting names must start with a letter and can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9) or the underscore character (_).

Type — Select the type of setting.

— Click to add the new Name to the list.

The table displays a list of all user-defined parameters.

To enter or change a value, select a row and click on the item to edit it.

Delete — Click to delete the selected user-defined setting.

— Click to import a user-defined setting from a file.

— Click to export a user-defined setting to a file.


Use this area to write your comments and observations about the project.