To create a sketch:
Sketch mode links items using a group workplane, which can be repositioned and used to apply dimension constraints.
Tangent — forces two curves to maintain a point of tangency. |
Perpendicular — forces two lines to remain at a 90 |
Parallel — forces two lines to remain side by side, but never meet. |
Coincident — forces two points to coincide. |
Concentric — forces arcs to have the same centre point. |
Collinear — forces two lines to lie on the same vector. |
Horizontal — forces a line to remain horizontal with respect to the X axis of the group workplane. |
Vertical — forces a line to remain vertical with respect to the Y axis of the group workplane. |
Equal — forces two lines to maintain equal lengths, or two arcs to have the same radius.
Note: The new length or radius applied to the two items depends on the existing sketch geometry and constraints. If neither item has a dimension constraint applied,
PowerShape applies a value that minimizes the changes to the existing sketch geometry.
Fix — fixes a line or point in a specific location relative to the world workplane. |
Labels — toggles to display or hide constraint labels. |
Dimension — displays, and allows editing of, dimensional properties of lines and arcs. Dimension constraints must be defined between key points, for example between a centre point and workplane.
Note: Dimensions can be defined using Parameters. If a parameter value is changed, the line or arc, and any dependent items, are updated automatically.
Add — not yet implemented. |
Modify Origin — enables the origin of the workplane to be repositioned. |