View Flags dialog

Use this dialog to change various settings for the view.

Add Items — Select this option to add all new objects created in the model to the view.

Auto Rescale — Select this option to scale the contents of the view to fit the view boundaries when a closed drawing is opened.

Standard Scale — Select this option to view the contents using a standard scale (such as 1.0 2.0 5.0) to fit the view. Deselect this option to use the largest scale to fit the view. This allows the contents to scale to a larger size when you click the To Fit button on the Edit View dialog.

Maintain Scale — Select this option to maintain the scale of a view when using drawing templates. You specify the scale for a view in the Edit View dialog.

OK — Changes the settings for the view and closes the dialog.

Cancel — Discards any changes and closes the dialog.