To create a primitive surface:
You can exit surface creation mode at any time by clicking
on the Quick Access toolbar. A surface is not created until its origin is specified; if you click
before a surface is positioned, no surface is created.
If you click the surface just created, you start editing that surface; if you click elsewhere in the graphical window, a surface of the same type is created in that location.
If you want to create a different primitive surface, select it from the Surface tab > Create panel and the cursor changes to indicate the type of surface to be created next.
You can also create surface primitives using the Command window, by specifying the dimensions of a primitive before you input the origin point.
For example, to create a block with origin at 0 0 0, type the following in the Command window:
create surface block
length 45
width 67.89
height 43
0 0 0
If you don't specify a dimension, the default value is used. You can specify the following dimensions: