Table of file types that can be imported

The file types that can be imported into PowerShape are displayed in the Files of type list on the Import File dialog.

Note: The availability of the different file types in Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility are license dependent.

You can import (using the File > Import option) the following file types:

PowerShape uses Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility to import data, unless indicated by in the table.

PowerShape Model (*.psmodel)

This is a PowerShape model using the single file format. You can import models, for example a model saved on a storage device, into your model database. Each model is held in a directory that contains the model files.

ShoeMaker Model (*.shoe)

This is a file format created by Autodesk, Inc ShoeMaker.

Model and DUCT Drawing (*.det)

PowerShape and DUCT5 model and drawing format.

Models that are not in your model database must be imported. Each model is held in a directory that contains the model files.

The contents of the drawing are imported into a new model with the same name as the drawing.

DDX (*.ddx, *.ddz)

This is data that has been exported from Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility.

Autodesk Geometry (*.dgk)

This is a special format that contains the product's data in a single file.

If you import a model containing solids, surfaces and triangle data that has been previously exported, it will also import the corresponding .dgk.dmt file and the solids, surfaces and triangle data.

The .dgk and .dgk.dmt files must be in the same folder for the import to be successful

Autodesk Machining Triangles (*.dmt)

A .dmt file is imported as a symbol. The symbol definition is also stored in the model and has the same name as the file. For further details, see Creating a symbol definition.

Electrode Archive (*.trode)

This is a special format that specifies the product's data in a single file. An electrode archive (.trode) file is a single file that stores a collection of one or more electrode .dgk files with associated metadata (.xml) files and setup sheet images.

CopyCAD session (*.ccs)

All of the surfaces, curves and triangles within the file are converted to levels in the current model. Workplanes are also converted, but scanlines, points, images and views are not converted.

CADDS 4 and 4.5(_pd*), (*.c4x)

Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility may not import drafting objects from an IGES file. If you try to do so, a message is displayed explaining the drawbacks of using Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility. The message asks you if you want to continue. If you select No, the PowerShape translator is automatically used.

Clouds (*.asc, *.mod, *.csv, *.xyz)

Files containing point cloud information. The formats that are supported are:

.asc - ASCII


.csv - ASCII text encoded as Comma Separated Values.

.xyz - Perceptron .

Picture (*.pic)

This format defines the model as a wireframe using arcs, lines and curves. PowerShape can read DUCT5 pictures.

Triangle files (*.dmt, *.obj, *.stl, *.tri)

A .dmt or .obj file is imported as a symbol. The symbol definition is also stored in the model and has the same name as the file. For further details, see Creating a symbol definition.

.obj imports a text file containing polygonal faces.

.stl imports the triangulated representation in STL (Stereo Lithography) format. STL files normally represent closed solids as they are primarily used for rapid prototyping and many rapid prototyping machines require a fully closed triangular mesh.

Adobe Acrobat Document (*pdf, *.ai)

Files containing text and wireframe can be imported. The import of curves is license dependent.

3MF Files (*.3mf)

Import data in the .3mf format. This format is used to transfer data for 3D printing. It is an xml-based format designed for additive manufacturing.

ACIS (*.sat)

This format defines the model as an ACIS file.

AMF Files (*.amf)

Import data in the .amf format. This xml-based, additive manufacturing file format, is an ASTM standard for 3D printing.

ASCON (*.a3d, *.m3d, *.cdw)

Import a file that was generated by ASCON general purpose CAD software.

AutoCAD (*.dwg,*.dxf)

This format defines the model as DWG or DXF data (usually exported from AutoCAD).

Autodesk Alias Files (*.wire)

This format defines the model as a .wire file exported from Autodesk Alias.

CATIA (*.cat, *.exp, *fic*, *model)

The Catia export files *.cat and *.exp comprise several Catia fic files. By default, each .fic file is imported into a separate new model. You can import the .fic files into the same model by deselecting Open a new file for each fic file on the Data Exchange > Version 8 / Surfaces page of the Options dialog.

Cimatron (*.pfm)

This format defines the model as a CADDS file. CADDS files of version 4 and 5 can be imported into PowerShape.

Creo (*.prt, *.asm)

This file was generated by Creo CAD system.

Elite (*.elt)

This defines the model as a Cimatron file.

Geomagic Files (*.wrp)

This file was generated by 3D Geomagic Systems software.

Ideas (*.mf1), (*.prt)

This format defines the model as an Ideas file.

IGES (*.ig*)

This defines the model according to the IGES (International Graphics Exchange Standard) specification. Most high level CAD systems can provide models in this model format.

You can set how data is imported from IGES files using the Options dialog. Blanked IGES surfaces are imported as blanked.

Inventor (*ipt)

This format defines the model as an Autodesk Inventor file

Parasolid (*.x*)

This format defines the model as a UG Parasolid file.

Part Files (*.psmodel; doc det)

This is the PowerShape model using the single file format (.psmodel), or the directory file format (.doc det).

PLY Files (*.ply)

This defines the model as a PLY (Polygon) file format. This format stores 3D data from scanners.

Pro/Engineer (*.asm, *.prt*)

These formats define the model as a Pro-Engineer file.

Rhino (*.3dm)

This format defines the model as a Rhino file. When importing Rhino files, all triangle data is also imported.

Shining 3D Files (*.ac)

Import a 3D scan file that was generated using a Shining 3D scanner.

Solidedge (*.par)

This format defines the model as a SolidEdge file.

Solidworks (*.sldprt, *.sldasm)

This format defines the model as a SolidWorks file.

SpaceClaim (*.scdoc)

This format defines the model as a SpaceClaim file.

STEP (*.step, *.stp)

This format defines the model as a STEP file.

TopSolid (*.top, *.cam)

This file was generated by the TopSolid CAD system.

U3D (*.u3d)

This is a graphics file; U3D is the 3D element of a 3D PDF file; it can also be used as a stand-alone triangle file-format

Unigraphics (*.prt)

This format defines the model as a Unigraphics file.

VDAFS (*.vda)

This format defines the model as a VDA-FS file. VDA-FS version 2 files can be imported directly. All VDA-FS entities are supported, with the following constraints: curves of a degree higher than 3 are approximated by cubic Béziers to tolerance.

Wavefront (*.obj)

Import a 3D geometry definition file format generated by Wavefront technologies.

WinMAX (*.mxd)

Import a file that was generated by WinMAX V3.7 MXD Files

Zip (*.zip)

You can import a zip file if it contains one of the following:

a single file such as IGES or dgk

a single psmodel file

a single directory model

For full details on what objects are imported using Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility, see the on-line help available within Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility.