If you click Advanced on the Smart Surfacer dialog when creating a surface using the Two rails option, the Options for Surface From Section and Two Rails dialog is displayed. Use this dialog to specify advanced creation options.
In most cases, the default option should give you the correct result. If you click Preview and the resulting surface is not what you expect, use one of the other options.
The example above produces the following surfaces:
Planar option
Biplanar option
Axial option
The results for Axial and Biplanar look the same.
The example below:
produces the following surfaces:
The three options produce three different results.
The example below shows that if both options are deselected. The height of the profile will increase along the length of the drive rails:
The example below illustrates the surface produced if Maintain depth is used.
Tangent angle at the intersection of the profile and drive curve.
Drive curve.
Tangent angle at the intersection of the surface and drive curve.
The example below illustrates the surface produced if Maintain end tangent direction is used.
You can select Maintain depth and Maintain end tangent direction together. The example below illustrates the surface produced if both options are chosen.