To specify advanced creation options when creating a surface using the
Fill-in option, click
on the
Smart Surfacer dialog to display the
Fill-in Surface Options dialog.
Use the options on the dialog as follows:
Selection mode
Wireframe/points — Select the wireframe or point objects to define your surface
Tangent to surfaces — This option is available when one of the selected wireframe objects is a composite curve with dependencies on an underlying surface:
- For a non-planar composite curve with dependencies, the fill-in surface is tangent continuous by default.
Deselect the
Tangent to surfaces option on the
Fill-in Surface options
dialog to produce a fill-in surface that is non-tangent continuous.
- For a planar composite curve with dependencies, the fill-in surface will be non-tangent continuous by default.
Select the
Tangent to surfaces option on the
Fill-in Surface options
dialog to produce a fill-in surface that is tangent continuous.
The area is filled with multiple surfaces if a single surface would be naturally creased.
In the example below, we will add a fill in surface.
The result is shown below.
The command creates the following surfaces.
This only works when the area to be filled can be divided into a central continuous region
with neighbouring continuous regions
It includes the case where the central region has only one neighbouring region.
Multi-patch / Single patch — Creates a single or multiple patch surface. A single patch surface
is made of only two laterals and two longitudinals, whereas a multiple patch surface
can have many laterals and longitudinals.
Note: The
Single patch option is generally better for internal smoothness and the
Multi-patch option for tangent continuous fill-ins. The
Multi-patch option is usually quicker and fits the wireframe more accurately than the
Single patch option.
Degree of surface for the fitting — Change the degree of the new surface. The value depends on your selected objects and what you want the resulting surface to look like. For high values, the surface:
- is flexible;
- fits the selected objects more accurately;
- may have ripples.
For low values, the surface:
- is more rigid;
- flatter;
- may not fit the selected objects accurately.
Insert extra curves into a single patch — If the surface is a trimmed plane or a single patch, inserts a lateral and a longitudinal at the mid-points of the bounding curves.
Note: You must select the
Draw continuous interior laterals on NURBS
option on the
Surface page of the
Options dialog to see the interior laterals and longitudinals on a NURB surface.
Preview — Displays the surface created using the current settings in the dialog. You may continue to change the settings in the dialog until you are satisfied with the previewed surface.
Apply — Saves the surface. The dialog remains on the screen for you to select more objects and continue creating surfaces.