Exporting data from a model

You can export models to formats other than PowerShape:

  1. Select the model or the objects you want to export.
  2. Select File > Export to open the Export wizard.
  3. Use the Export wizard to select the target system and settings for exporting files. Alternatively, click Finish to export the data using the following defaults:
    • export selected items, or the entire model if nothing is selected.
    • if a workplane is active, export the geometry to active, otherwise, export to World.
    • if a drawing window is active, export the converted drawings.
Note: The default for .dgk is to export to World. You can use the Export wizard to export .dgk to the active workplane.

You can export version 8 solid and surface data using advanced export options. Select File > Options > Application Options > Data Exchange > Version 8/ Surfaces to specify the export options. You can also export materials to apply to shaded models.

For further information on the file types that PowerShape can export, see the table of file types that can be exported.