Segmentation Settings dialog

The Segmentation Settings dialog enables you to control common segmentation settings for manual and automatic segmentation operations.

To change the settings for manual and automatic segmentation operations:

  1. Click the Segmentation settings button on the Segment Mesh dialog. The Segmentation Settings dialog is displayed.
  2. Use the General tab to:

    • Click and drag the Item transparency slider to change the transparency of the fit surfaces when previewed.
    • Select Blank applied items to automatically blank any applied surfaces. If deselected, the transparency setting chosen above will determine the appearance of applied surfaces.
    • Note: This check box is also available on the Segment Mesh dialog.

  3. Use the Fit Method tab to:

    • Edit the Surface alignment angle to define the tolerance for aligning primitive surfaces with a principal plane.
    • Edit the Surface extension distance to define the distance by which a primitive surface is extended beyond the edge of its region.
    • Note: This is applied to all surfaces in the model, in contrast to the Edit Extension dialog which requires a selection of surfaces.
    • Select the Trim surfaces option to create trimmed surfaces when segmenting.
    • Repeat for Solid alignment angle and Solid extension distance as required.
    Note: These options are also found in File > Options > Application Options > Object > Mesh and can now be changed independently for surfaces and solids.

  4. To use the Shrink-wrap tab:
    • Click the Manually segment mesh button to display the options:

    • Click and drag the U-direction patches slider, or enter an exact value, to define the number of U direction control points used to generate the surface curves in 2D space.
    • Click and drag the V-direction patches slider, or enter an exact value, to define the number of V direction control points used to generate the surface curves in 2D space.
    • Click to edit the number of control points in both directions equally.
    • Click and drag the Angle slider to manually orientate the shrink-wrap surface.
    Note: These options are the same as those on the Shrink-wrap mesh dialog, accessed using the Manage tab > Create panel > Shrink-wrap option.

Note: The Segmentation settings button is common to the Automatic and Manual segmentation options.