Automatically segment meshes

Use automatic segmentation to quickly segment and fit multiple surfaces to a mesh.

  1. Select the mesh.

  2. Click Mesh Tools tab > Create panel > Segment.
  3. Use the following options on the Segment Mesh dialog to control the segmentation process:

    • Use the slider or enter a value to edit the Similarity angle.
    • Note: Lower similarity angles are useful to separate regions of high curvature on smooth meshes. Higher similarity angles are suited for coarser meshes with stronger discontinuities.
    • Enter a value for the surface matching tolerance .
    • Select which primitive geometries to use for segmentation, from the Primitive Types list .
    • Click to display the Extend Primitives dialog.
    • Click followed by preview to Reclaim regions which have had primitives fitted to them.
    • Click to display the Segmentation Settings dialog.
    • Click / to toggle between generating surfaces or solids.
    • Click Fit to select the fit direction. Select:

      Fit inside to fit the primitive surface just below the inside of the mesh.

      Fit through middle to fit the primitive surface as close as possible to the centre of the mesh.

      Fit outside to fit the primitive surface just above the outside of the mesh.

    • Click to display the Manually segment mesh toolbar.
    • Select Blank applied items to automatically blank any applied surfaces or solids.
  4. Click Preview to display a preview of the generated items.
    Tip: Move the mouse over the generated item to display the fit tolerance.
    Note: If you change options in the dialog, click Preview again to update the preview.
  5. Click the generated items you want to keep, and click Apply to create the items.

    Tip: Using on the item performs the same action as clicking Apply.
  6. To create additional items that were not previously detected:
    • Change the Similarity angle from the Segment mesh dialog.
    • Click Preview.
    • Select the items and click Apply.
  7. Close the dialog and blank the mesh, leaving the newly created items.

Tip: Previously selected surfaces are remembered if you exit and then re-enter the segmenter for the same mesh.

If you delete a surface before returning to the segmenter, its regions are freed.

If you undo, redo, or modify the mesh, the persisted data is lost. If this happens, the segmenter cannot remember which surfaces it produced.