Dimension dialog - Annotation tab

This tab enables you to edit the annotation of the dimension.

Annotation is the text of the dimension :

Display units — Select this option to display the measurement units after the dimension value.

Display value — Select this option to display the dimension value.

Text box — Select this option to add a text box around the dimension.

Proportional — (DUCT font only) Select this option to vary the space allowed for characters according to their width. Deselect this option to use the same width for every character.

Before — Enter any text you want to appear before the dimension value. Select an entry in the adjacent list to add a symbol to the text box.

After — Enter any text you want to appear after the dimension value. Select an entry in the adjacent list to add a symbol to the text box.

Store — Select an entry in the drop-down list, then click this button to save the current Before and After strings for re-use in other dimensions:

You can select the stored string later by:

Pitch — Enter a character pitch value to change the spacing of annotation text on an individual dimension or a selection of dimensions.

Clear user text — This button clears any text in the Before and After text boxes. It also turns Display units off.

OK — Saves your changes and closes the dialog.